Vision is to emerge as the largest components and solution provider in the field of Renewable Energy

About the Company

Our vision is to emerge as the largest components and solution provider in the field of Renewable Energy, Defence, Space, Telecom, Automobile, Power, Medical, Lighting and Consumer electronics industry.
We are working with different suppliers (Global) to support their product promotion in China and South Asia.

Our Vision

emerge as the largest components and solution provider in the field of Renewable Energy, Defence, Space, Telecom, Automobile, Power, Medical, Lighting and Consumer electronics industry.

Types of Products

Flat-Flexible Cable

Custom Solutions Provide Multiple Capabilities That Enable Designers To Maximize PCB Space And Reduce Component Cost.

Analog Switch

Analog switches are most often used in switching audio and video (A/V) signals, A/V data transmission, telecom routing.

Segment LCD Display

Segment LCDs, Also Called Static Displays Or Glass-Only Displays. A Static Display Is A Segment Display With One Pin For Every One Segment.